Digital Electronics- Boolean Algebra (Part 1)

Boolean Algebra:

Boolean algebra derives its name from the mathematician George Boole. Symbolic Logic uses values, variables and operations :

  • True is represented by the value 1.
  • False is represented by the value 0.

Variables are represented by letters and can have one of two values, either 0 or 1. Operations are functions of one or more variables.

  • AND is represented by X.Y
  • OR is represented by X + Y
  • NOT is represented by X' . Throughout this tutorial the X' form will be used and sometime !X will be used.

Boolean Addition:

The basic rules for Boolean addition are as follows:

0+0 = 0
0+1 = 1
1+0 = 1
1+1 = 1

Note: Boolean addition is same as the OR operation. 

Boolean Multiplication:

0.0 = 0
0.1 = 0
1.0 = 0
1.1 = 1
Note: Boolean multiplication is same as the AND operation.

Boolean Laws:

The following are the Boolean Rules:

Commutative Law:

Associative Law:

Distributive Law:

AND and OR Laws:


 De Morgan's Theorem:

The most important logic theorem for digital electronics, this theorem says that any logical binary expression remains unchanged if we

  1. Change all variables to their complements.
  2. Change all AND operations to ORs.
  3. Change all OR operations to ANDs.
  4. Take the complement of the entire expression.


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