GATE Aptitude - English Part 1

GATE Scoring: 5 Marks

GATE Aptitude - English Part 1

1.‘Specs’ (meaning ‘glasses’) has a...........register.
A  formal B  informal  C  outdated D  literary

2. The word .......... does not take the prefix ‘over’.
A  hand B  estimate C  night D priced

3. The word is............the odd word out.
A  vocational B  flexitime C  mechanical D  manual

4.  ......... is when you always buy a particular make because you like it.
A  Red tape B  Hard sell C  Capital assets D  Brand loyalty

5. ......... is not a piece of writing.
A  Composition B  Draft C  Plagiarism D  Dissertation

6. a negative characteristic.
A  Sullen B  Elegant C  Affectionate D  Generous

7. Keiko and I fell head love.
A  over heels B  it off C  at first sight

8. The verb does      .........    not mean ‘want something’.
A  crave B  hanker after C  defuse D  yearn for

9.Maria is so ........... if she sees something she likes, she  just buys it without thinking.
A  extrovert B  impulsive C  garrulous D effusive

10. A is  ...........   not active physically.
A  doer B  dabbler C  couch potato D culture vulture

11. At our office we have a once a week when we can wear casual clothes.
A  designer B  dress down C  snazzy D  dressed to kill

12. ‘The film was panned by critics’ means the critics .
A  loved the film B  didn’t like the film C  didn’t see the film

13. ............. means ‘I didn’t like the book’.
A  It was a page-turner B  I couldn’t put it down C  I couldn’t get into it
D It’s compulsive reading

14. ‘Lunch is on me’ means   .
A  I’ll pay for lunch B  Lunch is at my house C  I’ll cook lunch

15 is not connected with a car accident.
A  Road rage B  Hit and run C  A pile-up D  A head-on collision

16. Guided tour, trekking and all-in package are words associated with ...........
A  hotels B  methods of transport C  types of holiday

17. The current economic .......... is  very good for small businesses.
A  disposition B  climate C  whirlwind D daze

18. ‘Key’ does not collocate with .........
A  question B  decision C  role D  thought

19. Tame animals   ........
A behave aggressively  B  are afraid of humans C live with humans

20. The environmental problem of ............... is  concerned especially with animals.
A  deforestation B  the greenhouse effect C  global warming D endangered species

21. .................means ‘I don’t believe you.’
A  I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt B  What do you take me for?
C Take it with a pinch of salt

22. If you are ill from not eating enough food, you have .................
A  illiteracy B  malnutrition C  poverty D  sanitation

23. An area represented by an MP is called a  ..................
A  lobby B  deputation C  constituency D  legislation a type of stealing.
A  Perjury B  Harassment C  Embezzlement D  Joyriding

25. Both sides agreed to an immediate .............. and the fighting has stopped.
A  annihilation B  ceasefire C  deterrent D  warfare

26. ....................means you have a lot of money.
A  Rolling in it B  Skinflint C  Strapped for cash D  Things are a bit tight

27. ..................... is not another word for a newspaper or magazine.
A  Glossy B  Rag C  Scoop D  Periodical

28. the odd one out.
A Out of sorts B  Off-colour C Under the weather D On the mend

29. A ‘level playing field’ means ..................
A  a change in the rules B  a serious discussion C  an election D  a fair situation

30. Which ..................... should I click on to open a new email?
A  icon B  thumbnail C  footprint D  analogue

31. The word ................describes experiencing something on your computer instead of in real life.
A  interactive B  virtual C  smart D genetic

32. ‘Fleeting’ and ‘lingering’ collocate with  ...............
A  sit  B  moment C  glimpse D smile

33. The verb .............describes the way someone walks when their feet hurt.
A  hobble B  amble C  tiptoe D trudge

34. You can............your eyebrows.
A  twitch B  flutter C  raise D  blink

35. ...................... is not a shade of red.
A  Poppy B  Ruby C  Strawberry D  Violet

36. Nip, pop, whizz and zip mean.................
A  go a short distance quickly B  slow down C  walk very quickly

37. ....................means a hard or painful experience.
A  A glitch B  A pitfall C  An ordeal D  A setback

38. The school will not ...............any form of cheating in exams.
A  condone  B  endorse C  authorise D  give the green light to

39. Mr Williams showed no ............... as the judge sentenced him to ten years in prison.
A  apology B  remorse C  excuse D  alibi

40. A  ....................... means an agreement.
A  coincidence B  compromise C  rift D  settlement

41.The findings in this study ................... everything in the previous report.
A  conceive B  predict C  contradict D reside
42. a colloquial term for a person.
A  Thingamajig B  Whatsisname C  Umpteen D  Thingy

43. ‘A storm in a teacup’ is  ............ .
A  a misunderstanding B  an argument that will soon be forgotten
C  something you can’t understand D  a difficult situation

44. ‘He’s nobody’s fool’ means ..................
A  he has the gift of the gab B  he knows his stuff C  he’s a smart-aleck
D  he’s one sandwich short of a picnic

45. I thought the job wouldn’t take long. ..............! It took nearly two  days.
A  It’s a small world B  You live and learn C  Famous last words
D  Out of the blue

46. Could you ............. me  on Friday? I’ll be away for the day on a course.
A  stand for B  stand by C  stand up for D  stand in for

47. I didn’t feel confident or ready for the race so I decided to...............
A  chill out B  bottle out C  stick it out D simmer down

48. I was ill on the weekend so I ................the party.
A  caught up with B  came down with C  missed out on  D  took it out on

49. ‘Craic’ is an ......................English word for party.
A  American B  Australian C  Indian D  Irish

50. The neutral word for ‘fireman’ is   ............... .
A  firelady B  fireperson C  firefighter D firemen

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