General Aptitude GATE Exam 2012 Questions and Answers

General Aptitude GATE Exam 2012 Questions and Answers


Ans. Option (D) is correct.

2. Choose the most appropriate alternate from the options given below
to complete the following sentence :
If the tired soldier wanted to lie down, he..................the mattress
out on the balcony.
(A) should take (B) shall take
(C) should have taken (D) will have taken

Ans. Option (C) is correct

3. Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to
complete the following sentence :
Give the seriousness of the situation that he had to face, his........
was impressive.
(A) beggary (B) nomenclature
(C) jealousy (D) nonchalance

Ans. Option (D) is correct.

4. Which one of the following options is the closest in meaning to the
word given below ?
(A) Eligibility (B) Freedom
(C) Coercion (D) Meticulousness

Ans. Option (B) is correct.

5. One of the parts (A, B, C, D) in the sentence given below contains
an ERROR. Which one of the following is INCORRECT ?
I requested that he should be given the driving test today instead
of tomorrow.
(A) requested that (B) should be given
(C) the driving test (D) instead of tomorrow

Ans. Option (B) is correct.

6. One of the legacies of the Roman legions was discipline. In the
legious, military law prevailed and discipline was brutal. Discipline
on the battlefield kept units obedient, intact and fighting, even when
the odds and conditions were against them.
Which one of the following statements best sums up the meaning
of the above passage ?
(A) Through regimentation was the main reason for the efficiency
of the Roman legions even in adverse circumstances.
(B) The legions were treated inhumanly as if the men were animals
(C) Disciplines was the armies inheritance from their seniors
(D) The harsh discipline to which the legions were subjected to led
to the odds and conditions being against them.

Ans. Option (A) is correct.

7. Raju has 14 currency notes in his pocket consisting of only Rs. 20
notes and Rs. 10 notes. The total money values of the notes is Rs.
230. The number of Rs. 10 notes that Raju has is
(A) 5 (B) 6
(C) 9 (D) 10

Ans. Option (A) is correct.

8. There are eight bags of rice looking alike, seven of which have
equal weight and one is slightly heavier. The weighing balance is
of unlimited capacity. Using this balance, the minimum number of
weighings required to identify the heavier bag is
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 8

Ans. Option (A) is correct.

9. The data given in the following table summarizes the monthly
budget of an average household.
Category Amount (Rs.)
Food 4000
Clothing 1200
Rent 2000
Savings 1500
Other Expenses 1800

The approximate percentages of the monthly budget NOT spent
on savings is
(A) 10% (B) 14%
(C) 81% (D) 86%

Ans. Option (D) is correct.
Total budget = 4000 + 1200 + 2000 + 1500 + 1800
= 10,500
The amount spent on saving = 1500
So, the amount not spent on saving
= 10,500 - 1500 = 9000
So, percentage of the amount
10500 %/9000 *100 = 86%

10. A and B are friends. They decide to meet between 1 PM and 2 PM
on a given day. There is a conditions that whoever arrives first will
not wait for the other for more than 15 minutes. The probability
that they will meet on that days is
(A) 1/4 (B) 1/16
(C) 7/16 (D) 9/16

Ans. Option (S) is correct.


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